Final reflection



I would say that planning does not go as planned. I have changed the digital software as I realised it is not suitable for my major project. Hence, I have to spend more time doing research about the suitable softwares which are illustrator and photoshop and some of the objects I choose try handrawn. I managed to finish everything before the deadline which proves that I still on track and manage my time well.

The process of design
It took me a long time to come up with the design with the suitable material. my first designs are all drawn in pencil and after scanning, all lines are so light and fading and I cannot clearly see. I have to redrawn all the design. Furthermore, I stuck for a long time during the mock up and my friend - Arek spent many hours with me to teach mock up. For example, I have already designed snack bar but it does not fit the snack bar layout and I have to redo everything. Also, once, I forgot to save my design which I spent more than 4 hours on it and I have to redo everything again and I have learned that saving my work is crucial

Design boards
My major problem on design board is to ensure consistency in term of front. I have to carefully ensure that I use the right font and font size and also colour. I have to be extra careful about the font.However, I am very happy with he result in general as it meets my expectation and I received many compliments from my friends.

Skills I learned
This project allows me to practise various skills especially for digital softwares on photoshop and illustrator. My first design board took me almost half a day to complete. However, the last board took me less than an hour to gather all information and images as I am getting familiar with the software. My favourite tool is the shape tool as I create logo and many object shapes from this tool.
Besides software skills , I learned to be organised and manage my timetable well. Eventually, I managed to complete everything before the date of submission.

The use of marker
My major project also involves the use of marker. I struggled to purchase some certain colour. thanks to my tutor who is kind to lend me her promarker and I have learned to use marker for both brands - copic and Promarker. I discovered that I prefer design things by using marker and paper but scanning my design and organise on the digital software is professional and I have fun doing it. I would love the combination

The survey
I did not wish to include my survey link to my website and I would like to remain my identity anonymous. I am concerned about my true identity. It is also very challenging to ask my friends to do survey for me because they are also busy. The survey indeed helps me to improve my website as I am able to know their opinion. I am unable to spot various mistakes on the website but my friends are able to see them. Hence, peer feedback is indeed useful tool. I have to thanks all of them for helping me improve my website.

I have spent many hours to customise my website and I am hoary with the overall appearance as it is simple and it reflects well on my progression route. With the use of the professional portrait of myself, it makes my about me page looks great.  Wix is easy to use but I have to ensure that I save my work and it has numerous tools to improve my website. I like Wix as it helps me to create amazing website layout. It also took me a long period of time to familiar on how the wix website works.

Ways to improve my skills and my future project.

I should learn how to use more professional software such as Autocad and try Wacom to illustrate my product.Furthermore, I personally think that I can improve my presentation boards by trying to include everything in a board like the way professional product designer do.



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