advertisement Part III

Good evening internet readers. Welcome back to my 3rd box of advertisement project. Today, I am going to update my blog on our process

We have come up with the convoy name - Sleepiz which is relating to sleeping. In Addition, adding "z" behind means sleeping as well.

We have created the logo on free logo website.

These are front which are informal and giving the audience to feel comfortable and welcoming.

From the previous post, I have mentioned about the earthquake effects representing strong vibration.

for the crack,we use the image from paxabay and we use the programme Photoshop.For the tagline, we also use text added tool 

adding the lava effect to make it look more realistic.

                              We add tagline which I think it will capture readers' attention.


  1. Here I still think the bed cracking underneath her with what looks like a twigs is still a bit odd ! You could have added a little more technical detail on here about teh Photoshop Software and the tool you used,


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