The update on my website

I have finally done all of my major project boards and i have saved them in .jpg chpoosing the maximum quality and 72ppi.After saving,I tried to upload on my wix website.
To begin with, I have changed the title from my major project to eco-friendly-foodware design.

This image shows the process which I uploaded all of my boards which are 9 boards in total. I have to ensure that all are in perfect order meaning- concept boards are always come before detail boards.

Also,I have to ensure in every datail- meaning when netizens click on my board they can see the bigger and clearer board which I have to add caption and sub caption about each board

This also shows the process which I have click to enlarge the board and I add caption and sub caption.I think the letters on my design boards are big enough to read all the information. 
After that, I have added the introduction of my major project to make sure that netizens are able to understand the notion of creating eco-friendly foodware and to inform the impotance of using my design in everyday lives.

Personally, I am happy with the layout of the slide show on the website ans it allows users to enlarge the picture and slide to the next page by clicking the arrow. The use of the slideshow connects the product design board, making it is like a series of eco-friendly foodware design. If  I separated each design board on the page, it can create confusion and it does not connect and give the feeling of the series of foodware design.This idea has to be double confirm by online visitors. i have to create online feedback form so that I can have better understanding of how others think of the idea. 


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